galerie bruno massa based in Paris was founded in January 2013 and is dedicated to exhibiting the latest works of contemporary art. The gallery is devoted to promoting emerging artists worldwide, especially in Georgia but also in China and others Asian countries. In 2018, galerie bruno massa opened a branch in Seoul, Korea & in July 2019, moved its primary gallery to Tbilisi, Georgia.
bruno massa 画廊于 2013 年1月成立于法国巴黎, 并与2019年底将画廊空间迁至格鲁吉亚第比利斯。在巴黎,纽约以及首尔,画廊拥有艺术品仓库。自成立以来,画廊致力于加强东西方文化艺术的交流, 并多维度地向全球观众展示、推广以及分享当代艺术家及其不同风格的艺术作品。画廊创始人Bruno Massa 有着丰富的艺术市场经验,并长期关注当代艺术的发展。
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