Guzpeña, pseudonym of Enrique Rodríguez, was born in 1964 in Prado de la Guzpeña, which is a small village in the province of Leon (north of Spain, 350 away from Madrid). He started studying Fine Arts in the Basque Country University in 1982, specialising in painting, and got his degree five years later. He started his teaching career at Vadinia Secondary School in Cistierna (León) in 1987 as an art teacher and is still doing so. He settled in Almanza in 1992, near his home village, where he has his painting studio and where he also finds the necessary calmness for his creativity. Guzpeña does not remember when he started painting, but since 1976, when he held his first painting exhibition, being almost a child, he has not stopped developing, evolving and exhibiting his work. He often exhibits his work in art galleries all over Spain and abroad, having held more than forty individual exhibitions and taken part in more than three hundred collective ones. He has been awarded important prizes several times.
GUZPEÑA Enrique Rodríguez García(Privato)
