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Kleine Welten I (1922)

Lotto n° 1044


Litografia a colori/wove paper. Published by Propyläen Verlag, Berlin

9 3/4 x 8 1/2 in 24 x 21 cm

Prezzo di aggiudicazione: 13.824 € 16.000 $ 0,3648 ₿ 5,3188 ⧫ 11.884 £ 103.145 ¥ 51.623 ₪ (ILS) 140.277 KR (SEK) 14.938 CHF 20.302 $ CA (16.000 $ )
Prezzo incluso spese : 17.280 € 20.000 $ 0,456 ₿ 6,6485 ⧫ 14.855 £ 128.931 ¥ 64.529 ₪ (ILS) 175.346 KR (SEK) 18.672 CHF 25.377 $ CA (20.000 $ )
Stima: 6.048 € 7.000 $ 0,1596 ₿ 2,327 ⧫ 5.199 £ 45.126 ¥ 22.585 ₪ (ILS) 61.371 KR (SEK) 6.535 CHF 8.882 $ CA - 7.776 € 9.000 $ 0,2052 ₿ 2,9918 ⧫ 6.685 £ 58.019 ¥ 29.038 ₪ (ILS) 78.906 KR (SEK) 8.403 CHF 11.420 $ CA (7.000 $ - 9.000 $ )
Fine Prints & Photographs
Dal 21/09/2021 al 30/09/2021
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Stati Uniti
Firmato alla mano 'Kandinsky' Monog. Datato
Appunti: Roethel 164
Condizioni: Pale, uneven staining, registration marks to right edge, line of inks to lower margin, staining to verso caused by inks on recto, 1/4 in. tear near upper left corner.