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Wassily KANDINSKY è un artista nato in Russia nel 1866 e morto nel 1944. Le sue opere sono passate in asta 4.099 volte, principalmente nella categoria Stampa-Multiplo. Il primo lotto registrato sul nostro sito è Sans titre, passato all'asta nel 1984 da Loudmer (Disegno Acquarello) e il più recente è Composition passato nel 2025 (Stampa-Multiplo).[...]
8 opere di Wassily KANDINSKY o altre attribuzioni prossimamente all'asta.
4.404 risultati d'asta per Wassily KANDINSKY e le sue altre attribuzioni.
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32 articoli Artmarket Insight citano Wassily KANDINSKY
In the wake of the major New York sales at Christie’s and Sotheby’s, Phillips’ sales of Modern, 20th Century and Contemporary art generated a total of $155 million last Tuesday, (14 November), the second highest sales total in the company’s art auction history. The first part of the sale offered Modern works from the prestigious […]
“What I’m attempting is a continuous renewal, truly continuous, and it’s not easy. I know what my painting really is behind its appearance, its violence, its perpetual trials of strength, it’s a fragile thing in the sense of the good, the sublime. It’s as fragile as love.” Nicolas de Staël, 1954 Every twenty years or […]
In the first three months of 2023, more than 147,000 artworks changed hands at auctions around the world, but only 13 generated results above the $10 million threshold. If we lower the bar to 7-digit results (<10 million, but > 1 million), there were just under 300 results in this price range, representing less than […]
Wassily KANDINSKY fa parte di 3 collaborazioni con altri artisti.
Altri artisti consultati dai nostri utenti.
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Salvador DALI
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Bernard BUFFET
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