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Ensemble (1934)

Lotto n° 59/A


Olio, watercolour/canvas

23 3/4 x 27 1/8 in 60,3 x 68,8 cm

Prezzo di aggiudicazione: 1.512.264 € 1.600.000 $ 17,2149 ₿ 511,174 ⧫ 1.262.752 £ 11.583.200 ¥ 5.989.190 ₪ (ILS) 17.489.971 KR (SEK) 1.412.472 CHF 2.236.561 $ CA
Prezzo incluso spese : 1.877.098 € 1.986.000 $ 21,368 ₿ 634,4947 ⧫ 1.567.391 £ 14.377.647 ¥ 7.434.081 ₪ (ILS) 21.709.426 KR (SEK) 1.753.231 CHF 2.776.131 $ CA
Stima: 1.701.297 € 1.800.000 $ 19,3668 ₿ 575,0708 ⧫ 1.420.596 £ 13.031.100 ¥ 6.737.838 ₪ (ILS) 19.676.217 KR (SEK) 1.589.031 CHF 2.516.131 $ CA - 2.362.913 € 2.500.000 $ 26,8983 ₿ 798,7094 ⧫ 1.973.050 £ 18.098.750 ¥ 9.358.109 ₪ (ILS) 27.328.079 KR (SEK) 2.206.987 CHF 3.494.627 $ CA
20th Century Evening Sale
New York, Stati Uniti
Monog. datato -34 basso a sinistra
Provenienza: Galerie Maeght, Paris (by 1972). Davlyn Gallery, New York (by 1985). Acquired by the family of the present owner, circa 1990.
Esposizione: Paris, Cahiers d'Art, Wassily Kandinsky, May 1934. Lucerne, Galerie Rosengart, Kandinsky: Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings, June-September 1953, no. 9. New York, M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., Kandinsky: Parisian Period, 1934-1944, October-November 1969, pp. 26 and 29, no. 2 (illustrated, p. 29). Baden-Baden, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Wassily Kandinsky: Gemälde 1900-1944, July-September 1970, no. 131 (illustrated). Zurich, Galerie Maeght, Kandinsky, April 1972, no. 44. Paris, Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Hommage de Paris à Kandinsky: La conquete de l'abstraction, l'époque Parisienne, June-July 1972, pp. 14 and 64, no. 18 (illustrated, p. 14). New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Kandinsky in Paris: 1934-1944, February-April 1985, p. 109, no. 24 (illustrated). @

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