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Noir bigarré (1935)

Lotto n° 17



45 3/4 x 35 in 116,2 x 89 cm

Prezzo di aggiudicazione: 8.727.945 € 10.342.332 $ 288,2151 ₿ 4.785,0446 ⧫ 7.492.500 £ 66.782.480 ¥ 33.654.395 ₪ (ILS) 88.154.893 KR (SEK) 9.516.053 CHF 12.807.366 $ CA (7.492.500 £ )
Prezzo incluso spese : 10.307.881 € 12.214.505 $ 340,3879 ₿ 5.651,2351 ⧫ 8.848.795 £ 78.871.468 ¥ 39.746.525 ₪ (ILS) 104.112.722 KR (SEK) 11.238.652 CHF 15.125.760 $ CA (8.848.795 £ )
Stima: 9.319.127 € 11.042.864 $ 307,7371 ₿ 5.109,1567 ⧫ 8.000.000 £ 71.305.951 ¥ 35.933.955 ₪ (ILS) 94.126.011 KR (SEK) 10.160.617 CHF 13.674.865 $ CA - 13.978.691 € 16.564.295 $ 461,6057 ₿ 7.663,7351 ⧫ 12.000.000 £ 106.958.927 ¥ 53.900.932 ₪ (ILS) 141.189.017 KR (SEK) 15.240.926 CHF 20.512.297 $ CA (8.000.000 £ - 12.000.000 £ )
20th/21st Century: London Evening Sale
Londra, Regno Unito
Monog. Datato -35 basso a sinistra
Appunti: Grohman 620 ; Hahl-Koch 419
Provenienza: Nina Kandinsky, Neuilly-sur-Seine, by descent from the artist; Marguerite & Aimé Maeght collection, Paris, by whom acquired from the above in the 1950s; Adrien Maeght collection, Paris; Acquired from the above by the present owner in 2007