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Picture with Points (1919)

Lotto n° 5098


Litografia a colori, printed and published by Eduard Nakhamkin Ltd

Ed. 137 / 300

26 3/4 x 20 1/8 in 68 x 51 cm

Prezzo di aggiudicazione: 662 € 705 $ 0,0111 ₿ 0,2277 ⧫ 567 £ 5.110 ¥ 2.649 ₪ (ILS) 7.725 KR (SEK) 643 CHF 975 $ CA (1.100 AUD )
Stima: 241 € 256 $ 0,004 ₿ 0,0829 ⧫ 206 £ 1.858 ¥ 963 ₪ (ILS) 2.809 KR (SEK) 234 CHF 354 $ CA - 361 € 385 $ 0,0061 ₿ 0,1244 ⧫ 309 £ 2.787 ¥ 1.445 ₪ (ILS) 4.214 KR (SEK) 351 CHF 532 $ CA (400 AUD - 600 AUD )
Collector's Edit: Editions
Leichhardt NSW, Australia
Provenienza: Russian State Museum, Leningrad, Private Collection, Sydney