The OMC Gallery(Professionista)

Dear Art Friend(s),

First of all thank you for your interest in art and thank you for visiting the artprice "store" of The OMC Gallery. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question you might have in context with our offers.

Founded 1999 in Duesseldorf, Germany by Rolf Goellnitz and RoxAnn Madera, the gallery relocated in 2005 to Huntington Beach, California and operates since 2022 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. In a variety of categories we will 'open our drawers' and pull out famous and also rather unknown pieces of artwork from an international raster of living and passed artists. Compiled in unique and eclectic mixes these works aim to inspire and convince you, that art is an enrichment of life and a great asset and satisfying investment. Featured types of Contemporary Art are: Photography, painting, digital art, work on paper and small sculpture by mature and emerging artists alike. 

The gallery also offers a selection of International Photography of the last 160 years. The OMC Gallery has participated in international art and photography fairs in Paris, New York, Rotterdam, Los Angeles, Duesseldorf, Cologne, Miami and San Francisco. Since 2016 no public exhibitions are held anymore. Presentations for collectors and art/ design professionals by appointment, only. Public access online, only.