Olio/telaTipo d'opera
Opera originaleCertificato emesso da
Hoviks Fine ArtsFirma
basso a destradimensioni senza cornice
44 x 31 in(111,76 x 78,74 cm)
ottimoRif. catalogo ragionato
The Miracle 0f illumination (Art Book: Hovik Kochinian)Corrente artistica
200--2003Descrizione dell'opera
The Archer [SOLD](2002)
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The painting was published both in "Art Business News" Magazine (May, 2003) and in artist's hard cover book, called "The Miracle of illumination" Reference: Google - The painting was exhibited in Art Expo New York, 2003.
You can find this image "The Archer" in Hovik Kochinian's Art Book; published 2003 - under the name: "The Miracle Of Illumination" - Page number 61.
You can wish to purchase a signed copy of Kochinian's Art book; contact Him direct here at ArtPrice.