LitografiaTipo d'opera
Opera originale (163/220)Certificato emesso da
Gilden's Arts GalleryFirma
Firmato alla manodimensioni senza cornice
56,5 x 38 cm(22,24 x 14,96 in)
Fattura emessa da
Gilden's Arts GalleryEditore
Guilde de la GravureRif. catalogo ragionato
Prudhomme & Moestrup No. 19Corrente artistica
French Abstract ArtDescrizione dell'opera
Technique: Original Hand Signed and hand numbered Lithograph on vellum paper
Paper Size: 56.5 x 38 cm / 22.2 x 15 in
Additional Information: This Lithograph is hand signed in pencil by the artist "Esteve" at the lower right margin and hand numbered in pencil "163/220" at the lower left margin.
This lithograph was printed in 1954 in a limited edition of 220 hand signed and numbered impressions.
The paper bears the blind stamp of Guilde de la Gravure at the lower left corner.
Literature: Maurice Estève. L’Ouvre gravé. Catalogue raisonné, by Monique Prudhomme-Estève and Hans Moestrup, Copenhague 1986.
Reference: Prudhomme & Moestrup No. 19
Maurice ESTEVE
The Prince(1954)
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