Disegno AcquarelloTecniche
Tecnica mista/cartaTipo d'opera
Opera originaleCertificato emesso da
This work is accompanied by an Attestation of Inclusion from the Wildenstein Institute and will be included in the forthcoming Pissarro Digital Catalogue Raisonné.Firma
basso a destradimensioni senza cornice
53 x 44 cm(20,87 x 17,32 in)
Rif. catalogo ragionato
L-R. Pissarro & L. Venturi, Camille Pissarro Son Art-Son Oeuvre, Paris, 1939, vol. I, catalogued no. 1327, p. 265; vol. II, no. 1327, pl. 260Descrizione dell'opera
Tête de vieux paysan
Ha un’opera simile da vendere?
Scoprire altre opere vendute da Stern Pissarro Gallery
Tempera and pastel on paper laid on cardboard
53 x 44 cm (20 ⁷/₈ x 17 ³/₈ inches)
Stamped lower right, C.P.
Executed circa 1879
Provenance: Ludovic-Rodo Pissarro, by descent from the artist (1904)
Georges Couturat, Paris
Thence by descent