Tecnica mistaTipo d'opera
Opera originaleCertificato emesso da
Galerie Chenus LonghiFirma
versodimensioni senza cornice
130 x 97 cm(51,18 x 38,19 in)
Fattura emessa da
Galerie Chenus LonghiDescrizione dell'opera
At Dawn 2(2019)
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This painting by Franck Noto, known as Zest, marks a transition toward a certain maturity in the Montpellier artist's abstract practice, with a choice of deep, vibrant, and twilight-like colors. It is truly unique within the artist's production in terms of its color palette. Dated 2019, this painting also heralds a whole series of works composed of horizontal layers, which has since become his visual signature. In short, a beautiful, striking painting that would enhance any interior!
• Unique, original painting
• 130 x 97 cm (136.5 x 103.5 x 3.5 framed)
• Signed "F. Noto Zest" by hand, dated and titled on the back
Available at our gallery in Paris, France.
Text and photos © GALERIE CHENUS LONGHI.