Carlo VANCHIERI - Tictac

Artista La quotazione per Carlo VANCHIERI / Tutte le opere sulla Marketplace
Tipo d'opera Opera originale
Titolo Tictac
Anno 2006
Categoria Pittura
Tecnica Olio/tela
Firma basso a destra
dimensioni senza cornice
23,62 x 19,69 in
60 x 50 x 2 cm
dimensioni inclusa cornice
24,41 x 20,47 x 1,18 in
62 x 52 x 3 cm
Certificato emesso da Vanchieri Carlo
Fattura No
Condizioni buono

This painting aims to clarify internal watch mechanics and their movements, referring to the harmony of ticking of time lapsing. It's just like this ticking becomes music: it's been inspired by " What you waiting for " song, by Gwen Stefani. Painting technique consists of deep and far long procedures, because first decided to went with background colors, dabbing tissue paper to force some folds; then, been waiting a couple of weeks for it to dry and finally managed to apply (tighter than possible) tissue paper masks through the glue process, using a light wet sponge. When completely dry, finally painted the two-tones masks themselves: mustard and black. Most important thing to look at, is the little overhanging toward the background while painting the mask, this is what still makes it an " oil ".
P.s. frame consists of natural wood strips.

Lotto 2788657
Stato del venditore Privato
Paese ITALY (Bagheria)
Spese Spedizione a carico dell'acquirente
Spese di spedizione 40
Assicurazione No
Numero di colli 1
Peso 5.0 Kg
Prezzo di base
2.950 €
2.950 € (3.158 $)
2.950 € (2.491 £)
2.950 € (22.937 ¥)
Inizio dell'asta il 13/07/2024 06:00