Carlo VANCHIERI - La Terra

Artista La quotazione per Carlo VANCHIERI / Tutte le opere sulla Marketplace
Tipo d'opera Opera originale
Titolo La Terra
Anno 1999
Categoria Pittura
Tecnica Olio/tela
Firma basso a destra
dimensioni senza cornice
39,37 x 39,37 in
100 x 100 x 2 cm
Certificato emesso da Vanchieri Carlo
Fattura No
Condizioni medio

The ending date of this work is consistently carrying out the meaning associated to the painting itself: the beginning of the new millennium, with all the enthusiasm and concerns related. These are prevaricating. The whole structure's movements appear to be slow: almost like crystallized. The individual elements of flora and fauna, as for biological organisms, move toward a static parade.
The decentralizing center of the Earth is quietly disturbing and it's losing its own stability. Maybe, 'cause of the climate change.
So even tones, on a dark ultramarine and discontinuous applications of brick color, are affected by such a set of problems: it's just like the congenital liveliness is gradually diminishing.

P.s. technique consists of tissue paper masks trapped inside the painting, so the final effect consists of an absolute oil.
The border is sandblasted and oil painted in dark blumarine.

Lotto 2779910
Stato del venditore Privato
Paese ITALY (Bagheria)
Spese Spedizione a carico dell'acquirente
Spese di spedizione 100
Assicurazione No
Numero di colli 1
Peso 10.0 Kg
Prezzo di base
4.400 €
4.400 € (4.709 $)
4.400 € (3.711 £)
4.400 € (34.165 ¥)
Inizio dell'asta il 23/06/2024 06:00