Carlo VANCHIERI - No Title

Artista La quotazione per Carlo VANCHIERI / Tutte le opere sulla Marketplace
Tipo d'opera Opera originale
Titolo No Title
Anno 2002
Categoria Pittura
Tecnica Tecnica mista
Firma basso a destra
dimensioni senza cornice
21,26 x 25,2 in
54 x 64 x 2 cm
Certificato emesso da Vanchieri Carlo
Fattura No
Condizioni buono

Making reuse of a previously acrylic painted canvas, different pink prevailing oil color layers have been placed on, leaving out some previous spot of the original teal acrylic background.
Outer board (also oil painted), instead, makes contrast against the inner side, right through avion shades, restricting the visual impact toward the internal portion, culminating into a spiral moving to the central focus. The constant use of tissue paper masks stays on and is visible both on board (portraying abstract stylized drawings, of grey and white shade), as on canvas where tiny elements are meant to define the spiral shape itself.
Technique consists of tissue paper masks trapped inside the painting, so the final effect consists of an absolute oil.

Lotto 2778317
Stato del venditore Privato
Paese ITALY (Bagheria)
Spese Spedizione a carico dell'acquirente
Spese di spedizione 50
Assicurazione No
Numero di colli 1
Peso 8.0 Kg
Prezzo di base
3.500 €
3.500 € (3.808 $)
3.500 € (2.980 £)
3.500 € (27.591 ¥)
Inizio dell'asta il 16/06/2024 06:00