Tecnica mista
Tipo d'opera
Opera originale
Certificato emesso da
dimensioni senza cornice
50,8 x 40,6 x 5 cm(20 x 15,98 x 1,97 in)
Fattura emessa da
Bernadette Jiyong Frank
Descrizione dell'opera

Oil, acrylic and gold particles on wood panel — Unframed.
Free worldwide delivery on IdeelArt.

By integrating the concept of "Ma" into her artistic practice, Bernadette Jiyong Frank (Tokyo, 1964) invites viewers to embrace the significance of silence, emptiness, and the intervals between events. Her work creates a space for contemplation and highlights the meaningful presence that exists within the void.

Bernadette Jiyong Frank employs multiple layers of translucent paint in her artwork. Each layer is applied slowly and deliberately, allowing time for the paint to dry before applying the next layer. This process creates depth and richness in the final piece. Time plays a significant role in Jiyong Frank's artistic process. By adhering to the practice of applying only one layer per day, she emphasizes the importance of patience and reflection. This approach acknowledges the passage of time as an integral part of the creative journey.

Bernadette Jiyong FRANK

Migrant (Bordeaux-Green-Gold)(2023)

Annuncio Nr.2634514
2.900 £(3.710 USD)
Venditore Professionista
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