Olio/telaTipo d'opera
Opera originaleCertificato emesso da
artist Simon KozhinFirma
basso a destradimensioni senza cornice
33 x 48 x 2 cm(12,99 x 18,9 x 0,79 in)
dimensioni inclusa cornice
52,5 x 69 x 5 cm(20,67 x 27,17 x 1,97 in)
ottimoDescrizione dell'opera
Suzdal. First green(2005)
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Early spring is the time of the awakening of nature, its booming flowering. But the first leaves appear on the trees and the green grass breaks through last year’s dried straw, and the sun is already warming.
2012 “Visible Images”, personal exhibition at the exhibition hall of the Russian Auction House in Gostiny Dvor, Moscow.
2016 The personal exhibition "Without formulas" in the gallery of the Transfiguration Cathedral, the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. (Suzdal)
Златоверховникова О.Н. Семён Кожин. – М.: Принт люкс, 2007. – 120 с. Page 103
Златоверховникова О.Н. Семён Кожин. – М.: Белый город, 2009. – 64 с. – (Мастера живописи. Русские художники). ISBN: 9785779317184 Page 16
Семён Кожин. Зримые образы: [каталог персональной выставки] / Российский аукционный дом. – СПб.: Рекламное агентство MCMG, 2012. – 32 с.Page 24
Цветнова Т.Е., Салахов Т.Т., Рожин А.И. Семён Кожин Simon Kozhin – М.: Творчество, 2015. – 302 с. Page 69