Disegno AcquarelloTecniche
MatitaTipo d'opera
Opera originaleCertificato emesso da
basso a sinistradimensioni senza cornice
40 x 30 x 0,1 cm(15,75 x 11,81 x 0,04 in)
Fattura emessa da
buonoDescrizione dell'opera
The Magic Pencil Graphic (Ref. 09-2019)(2019)
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Today Leonid Tomilin's drawings are the result of more than 35 years of experimentation with technique and material (paper, graphite pencil).
Alexander Glezer, director general of the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art in Jersey City, USA, defined the direction of what Leonid Tomilin does as "figurative and abstract expressionism.
The conceptual task was to combine academic achievements in drawing with contemporary formal visual quests.
Intensive use of techniques more characteristic of painting (nuance, contrast, different tones), creates an impression of a watercolor.
It is possible to classify the graphics of L. Tomilin as "expressive romanticism". In another case, it is "abstract expressionism".
The artwork is not framed. Collectible piece.