Tecnica mistaTipo d'opera
Opera originaleCertificato emesso da
Hoviks Fine ArtsFirma
versodimensioni senza cornice
40 x 28 in(101,6 x 71,12 cm)
ottimoDescrizione dell'opera
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When the restless and irritable creative mind wanders a winding road of the invisible, undiscovered terrain of his own bold feelings – without underestimating their intellectual possibilities; he passes through enthusiasm, disappointment, joy and temptation on this endless journey of suffering.
An association of images pictured by the mind; acute philosophical interpretations – highly abstract and precise pictures from milieus states of sub-atomic existence, passive openings, unexpected unions of dense volumes of thought, complex technical inventions, unique ideas of color – an unusual interpretations of time and space.
These are the faceted qualities of harmonic unity on which are built upon – Hovik the painter’s creative concepts.