Olio/telaTipo d'opera
Opera originaleCertificato emesso da
Hoviks Fine ArtsFirma
versodimensioni senza cornice
108 x 72 in(274,32 x 182,88 cm)
dimensioni inclusa cornice
116 x 80 in(294,64 x 203,2 cm)
ottimoDescrizione dell'opera
The Manuscript(1978)
Ha un’opera simile da vendere?
In 1915 the year of the Armenian Genocide; my Grandmother, with much
difficulty, having lost her homeland, her husband, her children,
having passed through such doom - managed to survive.
In her escape, she salvaged her family's prized possession - an ancient family
Holy Bible (manuscript). She would cling to the sacred manuscript; tearfully recalling her losses - by the memories of the priceless work or art, displaying our people’s
spiritual aspirations.
How many such manuscripts have been destroyed like its peoples fate?
On April 24th,1915 Turks carried out the first genocide of the century, There has been no previous barbarity in the history of mankind as severe as the Armenian Genocide - during which 1.5
million innocent Armenians were slaughtered.
Using our cultural and artistic abilities, we can further this matter in a more
civilized way to reach our goal - and "The Manuscript" painting was created for this issue.
- Hovik