Tipo d'opera
Opera originale
Certificato emesso da
Letter of authentication on the gallery letterhead.
basso a destra
dimensioni senza cornice
140 x 140 cm(55,12 x 55,12 in)
Fattura emessa da
MLA Gallery
Descrizione dell'opera

Attasit Pokpong has established an very successful genre of Chinese Pop, in Thailand. His fame has encouraged an entire movement, which explores themes of Chinese Pop, in a distinctly Thai manner. Since Pokpong recently evolved his portraits into a muddier, more diffused style, that is not as popular with the collectors of this gallery, we have gone in search of other artists, emulating this style. Jo Chanchai is at the top of this group of artists.

These paintings are far more beautiful in person, than they are in the images. The photos barely capture the subtle beauty of the work, and the mastery of the technique. We offer a money back guarantee on these lovely paintings, however to date, not a single one has been returned. These works are priced at a third of the cost of a comparable work by Pokpong.


Eastern Beauties III(2014)

Annuncio Nr.1654425
3.500 USD
Venditore Professionista
Venditore dal false