Tecnica mista
Tipo d'opera
Opera originale
Certificato emesso da
the artist
dimensioni senza cornice
30 x 25 cm(11,81 x 9,84 in)
Fattura emessa da
French gallery
Corrente artistica
Modern (mystical) art
Descrizione dell'opera

From soft pastels to light, from the poetic to the fantastic, the human to the divine, this is the path taken by Yoël Benharrouche, a renowned artist with a striking career. Born to deeply religious parents in Beersheva in 1961, he grew up in Aschdod where he was soon to become impassioned by the Scriptures and a familiar face at various study centres. He arrived in Nice in 1974 and in 1985 completed his Fine Arts training, studying fundamental Jewish texts and teaching drawings. His first canvases show great sensitivity, with an underlying taste for the Absolute and a search for new aesthetics, which express his mystical conception of man and the World. In 1993, he returned to Israël and set up home to give free reign to his inspiration. Alongside his wife and his children, he sculpts and paints a world where the material becomes spiritual, and the lyricism of colors and the delicacy of forms are a celebration of the Creator and his Creation. Today, Yoël Benharrouche exhibits his works throughout the world. His works form part of many private collections and critics hail him as a confirmed and talented artist.


"L'óiseau de mes pensees"

Annuncio Nr.1197704
2.450 €(2.569 USD)
Venditore Professionista
Venditore dal novembre 2015