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Contemporary African art, in France and elsewhere [14/10/2014]

African art has enjoyed major exhibitions since the late 80s, a higher level of exposure since the early 2000s, the constitution of a number of important collections, the development of local institutions in Africa…

African art in New York [21/05/2010]

Phillips de Pury & Company’s New York Africa sale on 15 May 2010 confirmed the rising price trend for African art and not just for the internationally recognized headline artists whose works already enjoy “global” demand. However, with total income from the sale at $1.1m and a bought-in rate of 38.4%, the sale was only partially successful, even in the less than $10,000 price bracket.

Contemporary African art [11/01/2010]

The first decade of the new millennium saw the emergence on the global art market of contemporary art from Latin-America, China, Korea, Japan, Russia, Turkey and the Middle-East. By comparison, African art has been very slow to emerge… but for how long?

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