Selling Art online in the age of AI


4 best practices to develop your sales

- How-to guide -

More than ever, art is viewed and purchased online. For dealers and art owners alike, having an online showcase is essential. At a time when AI is everywhere in our lives, how can you maximize the visibility of your ads and artworks for sale without compromising the precision expected by collectors?

Discover 4 best practices to develop your sales in the age of AI, on different online marketplaces – Artprice’s Marketplace (we’d love to have you), but also all those of your choice !

Contents :

  1. Use natural language to answer collectors’ questions
  2. Optimize your visuals to capture attention in search results
  3. Use AI to publish regularly and on your social networks
  4. Take advantage of prices updated with AI and market benchmarks to develop your sales

I. Use natural language to answer collectors’ questions

As artificial intelligence becomes more and more a part of our daily lives, from home automation to voice assistants, it’s also transforming the way we search for information online.
In France for example, one out of two people (48%) use generative AI to search for information (IPSOS – February 2025).
Search engines and AI chatbots, now ubiquitous, are designed to understand and respond to queries formulated in natural language.

Whether you’re introducing yourself in your online gallery or describing the works you offer, practice answering the questions collectors ask. You’ll facilitate the indexing and visibility of your listings, and above all respond directly to the needs of users.

Simple and effective.

Some questions to ask yourself while writing an impactful presentation

1/ What precisely do you sell?

Avoid generic terms such as “contemporary painting” or “antique furniture”.
Give preference to precise terms that correspond to your customers’ searches:

“Gallery specializing in the work of Bernard Buffet for over 20 years. »
“Contemporary aboriginal art. Specializing in works by artists from Australia’s Central Desert.”

2/ What makes your online gallery so special?

Specify what you do and how you do it differently from others.

“Our gallery offers a wide range of works by Bernard Buffet, including oils on canvas, watercolors, etchings and lithographs. Our team of specialists offers personalized advice to collectors and enthusiasts.”

3/ How do my customers search for artworks on the Internet?

Ask your audience: talk to customers, friends or family to find out how they would go about searching for your products or services.

Explore Google search suggestions or follow-up questions suggested by your preferred AIs:

📌 For example, using the generic term “Bernard Buffet”, Google will suggest other in-depth searches corresponding to the keywords most commonly searched for by Internet users.

Bernard Buffet Google Search Suggest


Here’s what you might find if you ask an AI:

“Where can I see examples of Bernard Buffet’s still lifes, especially those with flowers or fruit?”

“Which galleries currently carry original signed lithographs by Bernard Buffet?”

“Are there any lesser-known works by Bernard Buffet on the theme of the circus or clowns?”

(Questions generated by Perplexity AI)

4/ What kind of artists does your target collector profile look for?

Look for artists who share certain stylistic characteristics, a common historical period, or similar recognition in the art world.

For example, a Bernard Buffet fan might like Georges Rouault, Fernand Léger or George Braque. He might also appreciate the work of Jean LURÇAT.

Then list on your online gallery the artists you represent or market, without falling into the trap of adding an indigestible list of artist names.

📌 Artprice’s Marketplace allows you to avoid this pitfall and gives you a head start. Your Artprice Store includes a tab in which you can enter a list of the main artists in your catalog. The artist names are integrated into the Artprice database.

Artprice Marketplace searches for artists

Your store on the Artprice Marketplace is seamlessly integrated into the artist searches of collectors and art enthusiasts.


In this way, your visitors can discover the artist’s work and performance on the auction market with just a few clicks. Your works are presented to Artprice visitors, who browse the auction results and discover your Artprice Store.

Win, win!


“I’ve been on the Artprice Marketplace for over 10 years. I’m very satisfied with it – it’s very useful for me to be able to present my Artists’ works for sale on one of the best existing mediums in the field of Art.” Bam Galerie. Toulouse. France. Art dealer and artist agent.

II. Optimize your visuals to attract attention in search results

If you decide to sell your works on a marketplace, visitors will reach your online gallery through your advertisements. In a competitive landscape where generative AI refines data by eliminating the superfluous, high-quality photos and thoughtful contextualization are essential to making an impact.

  1. Select High Definition images, preferably in jpg or png format. The sharper and more well-defined your photo is from the start, the better the details and quality of the work will be rendered in your ads.
  2. Brighten up your photos: adjust brightness and contrast as required.
  3. Propose several views of the work of art (ideally at least 3 photos per work): close-up view of the work, detail, wide shot set on a wall, zoom on the signature, easel, frame, certificate, etc.
  4. Don’t frame too tightly: avoid cutting the frame of the work.
  5. Rename your photos: replace the file name “IMG092382.JPEG.” with a descriptive title “Bernard-Buffet-Dessin-Original-Tournesol”. This will enable search engines and AI to detect the subject of your photo and index it correctly.
  6. Contextualize the image: make sure the text surrounding the image is relevant and descriptive of the work. Detailed information on the artist, technique, period, etc. in the appropriate fields of the ad entry form, will enable the AI (and search engines) to fully understand what you’re offering, to present your works first in response to collectors’ questions.
  7. Choose a cover visual that appeals to your visitors: opt for a visual that clearly mentions what you do (your specificity) or your exhibition space, rather than your logo or a photo of your premises. Use colors and graphic elements that reflect your artistic universe. Don’t hesitate to play with color and font size to make the text easy to read and attention-grabbing.

📌 Artprice Marketplace makes it easy for you to create your ads and optimize them for Internet referencing. Use the form to fill in all the fields required to describe your work (title, date of creation, framed and unframed dimensions, condition of the work, supporting documents, etc.).

III. Use AI to post regularly and on your social networks

Now that you’ve created your online gallery and published your first ads, keep up the pace! Publish regularly every week (two or three times a week if you can), to increase your visibility on the site.
If you have several works to put online at once, spread out your posts.

Use a publication calendar to define the dates when your new ads will go online, and when they will be distributed on your various social networks.
Tools (free or paid) such as Crowdfire or Hootsuite let you schedule and distribute your posts at once across all your social networks.

To take advantage of AI and simplify your publishing work, try out solutions that adapt your ads to the formats and needs of social networks. Feedhive or Vistasocial, for example, generate post ideas when you’re short of inspiration. You can create reminders to post ads in your online gallery, turn them into posts on social networks and schedule your publications in advance.

Other AI-assisted solutions will turn your listings into ads on your Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts, and drive traffic to your online gallery.

IV. Leverage up-to-date AI prices and market benchmarks to develop your sales

Reassure your buyers with artist performances

Many dealers offer future buyers artist presentation folders. Very popular in galleries, the artist file is a good idea to integrate into your digital shop window.

You have everything you need in your Artprice Professional package.

📌  Go to the artist’s market benchmarks, to take recent screenshots of the artist’s performances on the Art Market.

You can reassure your future buyers by enabling them to visualize the progression of your artists’ prices on the auction market or, as in the example below, to observe the favorable evolution of demand, with transparent and reliable figures from the world’s leading Art Market database.

Bernard Buffet work sought after

Example: Bernard Buffet’s unsold rate on the auction market – indicators available in Premium and Professional subscriptions.


These indicators are available in the Artprice Professional package.

For each artist, find :

  • the evolution of its prices over the last 25 years
  • sales by country
  • his or her records and the evolution of his or her unsold rate
  • comparisons with other artists
  • and much more.

Tool Artprice artist quote comparison

Included in your Artprice Professional subscription: compare the quotations of several artists, for example to present their performances to your future buyers.


Easily follow Art Market trends to adapt your offer

The most active sellers track the performance of their artists on a daily basis. With 30 million indices and sales results covering more than 860,000 artists, Artprice provides Professional subscribers with a dynamic mapping of art market trends.

With results broken down by medium and category, you can determine the optimum selling price or negotiate realistic reserve prices.

The depth of Artprice’s price history, updated with the help of AI, enables you to make stylistic comparisons and to value the work of a lesser-known artist.
For example, analysis of stylistic similarities using Intuitive Art Market® AI can reveal affinities with names that are already listed, enabling us to strategically position the artist within a trend that collectors can identify.

📌  Comparing the price trends of several artists will help you confirm your intuitions and identify emerging trends.


AI is a fantastic tool for developing the visibility and business of art sellers on the Internet. It makes it possible to generate powerful descriptions and adapt content to each platform, increasing the visibility and appeal of works of art. But above all, it’s a step you need to take now to increase access to your ads and develop your online art sales.


Get to know more :


“Our gallery has been working with for many years and we find this platform the best value for money and with the most professional art market buyers”  Gilden’s Art Gallery. London. United Kingdom. 20th century Modern Art, works on paper including original prints from the 20th Century.


Digital Marketing Strategies for selling Art online – Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Art Market and social media – Virtual art gallery