biografia di Margaret Moffet LAW (1871-1956)

Birth place: Spartanburg, SC

Death place: Spartanburg?

Addresses: Spartanburg 16, SC; Baltimore, MD, 1918-30

Profession: Painter, etcher, lithographer

Studied: Converse Col.; ASL; PAFA (F., PAFA, 1942); Henri, Chase, Martin, Mora, Hawthorne, Lhote.

Exhibited: S. Indp. A., 1917-31; PAFA Ann., 1918, 1930; Southern Pr. M., 1937; Oklahoma A. Center, 1939, 1941; Balt. WCCl., 1940; Mint Mus., 1940, 1943, 1945; Buffalo Pr. Cl., 1940; Boston AC, 1941; SAM, 1942, 1943; Oakland A. Gal., 1942, 1943; Am. Color Pr. Soc., 1942, 1946; Austin (Tex.) FA Assn.,1942; CAFA, 1942, 1944; Phila. A. All., 1942; Phila. Pr.Cl., 1944; Laguna Beach AA, 1944; Albany Inst. Hist. & A., 1946.

Member: Balt. WC Cl.; AAPL; Am. Color Pr. Soc; SSAL; FA Lg. of the Carolinas; Carolina AL.

Work: PMG; BMA; Phila. Pr. Cl.; Mint Mus.; High Mus.; Converse Col.; South Carolina Sch. for Blind & Deaf, Cedar Spring, S.C.; Kennedy Lib.; AC, Spartanburg, S.C.; Clifton H.S., Baltimore; prints, Coll., Balt. Friends of Art; Coker Col.; Gibbes A. Gal.; Montgomery Mus. FA.

Comments: Teaching: City H.S., Spartanburg.

Sources: WW53; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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