biografia di John Joseph ENNEKING (1841-1916)

Birth place: Minster, OH

Addresses: Boston, Hyde Park, MA

Profession: Landscape painter

Studied: Cincinnati, 1860s; in Boston with Samuel L. Gerry, 1868; L. Bonnat, C.F. Daubigny, in Paris, 1872-76; Lehr, in Munich

Exhibited: Williams & Everett Gal., Boston (first solo); Boston AC, 1874-1909; Mass. Charitable Mechanics' Assoc., Boston (medals); NAD, 1881; PAFA, 1883, 1892, 1896-1902; Paris Expo, 1900 (prize); Pan-Am. Expo, Buffalo, 1901 (medal); AIC, 1900, 1912; Corcoran Gal, 1907, 1910; Pan.-Pacific Expo, San Francisco, 1915 (gold); Vose Gal., (Boston), 1917 (memorial exhib.), 1923, 1926, 1962, 1975 (all solos)

Member: Twentieth Century Club; Pudding Stone Club; Hyde Park Hist. Soc.; Boston AC; Paint & Clay Club, Boston; Boston Gld. Artists

Work: Worcester Mus.; BMFA.

Comments: During the last quarter of the 19th century, Enneking was one of the most popular landscape painters of New England ó and one of its most successful financially. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted on the Union army but was severly wounded and returned to Cincinnati. In 1868 he went to Boston, where he studied lithography and began to paint landscapes. The catalyst for his success came while studying in France during the 1870s on an extended stay, and when he is said to have painted with Monet. Enneking returned to Boston in 1876, and in 1878, his first solo in Boston sealed his reputation. Beginning in the early 1880s he spent summers in North Newry, ME. He also painted frequently in the White Mountains, favoring its trout brooks and woodland scenes. He was particularly admired for his twilight scenes of wooded areas in late autumn. In 1915 he was honored with a testimonial dinner attended by more than 1,000 people. His son was J. Eliot Enneking (see entry).

Sources: WW15; Baigell, Dictionary; 300 Years of American Art, vol. 1, 316; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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