Constellation (1956)


Disegno Acquarello


13 x 15 3/4 in 33 x 40 cm

Stima: 15.715 € 16.828 $ 0,2583 ₿ 4,7598 ⧫ 13.291 £ 122.178 ¥ 62.664 ₪ (ILS) 176.544 KR (SEK) 14.879 CHF 23.077 $ CA - 20.954 € 22.437 $ 0,3444 ₿ 6,3464 ⧫ 17.722 £ 162.905 ¥ 83.552 ₪ (ILS) 235.392 KR (SEK) 19.839 CHF 30.769 $ CA (15.000 CHF - 20.000 CHF )
Teil I: Gemälde, Papierarbeiten und Skulpturen
Stockerstrasse 38
8002 Zurigo ZH
Provenienza: Galerie d'Art Moderne, Basel; Martha Jackson Gallery, New York (verso with label); David Anderson Gallery, New York (verso with label); The Joan and Lester Avnet Collection, New York (verso with label); The Pace Gallery, New York (verso with label); Christie's New York, 7. November 1995, Lot 216; Swiss Private Property.
Riproduzione pagina 33 del catalogo