
Quest'associazione di artisti ha collaborato nel XX secolo. Artprice ha catalogato un'opera di quest'associazione, messa all'asta nella categoria Disegno Acquarello.


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5 articoli Artmarket Insight citano Karel APPEL & Jef VAN TUERENHOUT

Pierre Alechinsky returns to limelight

Pierre Alechinsky returns to limelight

Against the backdrop of a revival in his market, Pierre Alechinsky was awarded the leading global prize for painting this year. Close to the Surrealists, Pierre ALECHINSKY (1927) was an active member of CoBrA in the late 1940’s and his work grew out of a wide range of influences including music and Japanese calligraphy. During […]

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Flash News: MoMA puts a Dubuffet and a Mathieu up for sale – Klimt – Works to exceed the 10 million mark – Karel Appel

Flash News: MoMA puts a Dubuffet and a Mathieu up for sale – Klimt – Works to exceed the 10 million mark – Karel Appel

MoMA puts a Dubuffet and a Mathieu up for sale In November, MoMA asked the Parisian Applicat-Prazan Gallery to sell two post-war works from its collections: Topographie châtaine (1959) by Jean DUBUFFET and Théorème d’Alexandroff (1955) by Georges MATHIEU. In March 2017, these works will go on sale at major international fairs (Tefaf Maastricht and Art […]

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Karel Appel – I paint the wildness of my times

Karel Appel – I paint the wildness of my times

Dutch artist Karel APPEL was a cofounder of the group known as Cobra (1948-1951), named after its member artists’ home cities of Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam. As well as participating in Cobra, Appel continued to produce spontaneous and exuberant art until the end of the 1970s. His instinctive approach to painting is typically expressed as an explosion of colour and a child-like graphical sensibility. Appel juggles materials, plasters on layers of paint, and pulls together found objects that are integrated into his works. Rather than seeking to seduce the viewer he wants to give represent the wildness of his times.

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2 artisti fanno parte di questa collaborazione.