Main illustration for Maurice DENIS
Opera prossimamente all'asta

Maurice DENIS

Main illustration for Maurice DENIS
Opera prossimamente all'asta
Classifica mondiale
846.808 USD
Categoria più venduta
1° mercato

Maurice DENIS è un artista nato in Francia nel 1870 e morto nel 1943. Le sue opere sono passate in asta 2.396 volte, principalmente nella categoria Pittura. Il primo lotto registrato sul nostro sito è Au pont du Nord, un bal était donné, passato all'asta nel 1983 da Ader-Picard-Tajan (Disegno Acquarello) e il più recente è Eucarestia passato nel 2025 (Pittura).[...]


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Si abboni per scoprire i risultati d'aggiudicazione per le aste tra il 1983 e il 2025!

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Si abboni per scoprire i risultati d'aggiudicazione per le aste tra il 1983 e il 2025!

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3 articoli Artmarket Insight citano Maurice DENIS

Maurice Denis : A Nabi at the Orsay Museum

Maurice Denis : A Nabi at the Orsay Museum

The Musée d’Orsay in Paris will be celebrating the works of Maurice DENIS from 31 October 2006 to 21 January 2007. This retrospective homage should give the public a clearer understanding of the artistic evolution of a painter who was a contemporary and friend of Paul GAUGUIN, Pierre-Auguste RENOIR, Edgar DEGASand Édouard MANET, among others.

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The prophets of modern art

The prophets of modern art

The group of artists known as the Nabis (“prophets”) came together in 1888. The big names include Pierre Bonnard, Édouard Vuillard, Maurice Denis, Paul Sérusier, along with other lesser known artists such as Félix Vallotton, Henri-Gabriel Ibels, Jan Verkade, Georges Lacombe, Paul Élie Ranson and Ker Xavier Roussel. To date, however, there has been no auction devoted entirely to “Nabi” art despite the fact that the Nabi group is recognized both in Europe and in the USA. French auction houses account for more than one-third of transactions and dominate the market for Nabi works in volume terms. Nevertheless, Anglo-Saxon countries account for the lion’s share of auction revenue.

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The prophets of modernism

The prophets of modernism

The group of artists known as the Nabis, or prophets, came together in 1888. The best known Nabi artists are Pierre BONNARD, Édouard VUILLARD, Maurice DENIS, Paul SÉRUSIER, Félix VALLOTTON, but the group also includes lesser known artists such as, Henri Gabriel IBELS, Jan VERKADE, Georges LACOMBE, Paul Élie RANSON and Ker Xavier ROUSSEL. To date, however, there has been no auction house sale devoted entirely to the Nabis,

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