biografia di William Grosvenor CONGDON (1912-1998)

Birth place: Province, RI

Addresses: Lakeville, CT, 1940; Assisi, Italy, 1973

Profession: Painter, sculptor

Studied: PAFA; Cape Sch. A.; Provincetown Sch Art, with Henry Hensche; Demetrious Sch sculpture, Boston and at Folly Cove (Rockport) Mass.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1937-66 (Temple Gold Medal, 1951); NAD, 1938, 1942; WFNY, 1939; Landmarks, American Painting--50 years," Wildenstein Gallery, NYC, 1950; "Painters under 1935," MMA, 1950; Biennale Venezia, 1952, 1958; Carnegie Intl, 1952, 1958; Univ Ill, 1952 (purchase prize); Corcoran Gal, 1953 (Clark Award), 1959; New Decade," WMAA, 1955; Betty Parsons Gallery, NYC, 1970s. "

Work: MMA; WMAA; MoMA; CMA; PMG. Commissions: Bronze head, Stephen O Metcalf, RISD, Providence Mus, 1939.

Comments: Preferred Media: oils (1973). Author: In My Disc of Gold (Reynal, 1962); An Artist, His Art, and the Christian Community (Jaca Bk, Italy, 1972).

Sources: WW73; WW40; Dorothy Seiberling & George Hunt, William Congdon," Life Mag (April 30,1951); Peggy Guggenheim, "Pittore di Venezia," Biennale Venezia (Feb 1953); Emily Genauer," Congdon Converted," New York Herald Tribune, Aug 21, 1968."

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