biografia di Giannetto FIESCHI (1921-2010)

Birth place: Zogno, Italy

Addresses: Sewanee, TN

Profession: Educator, painter, graphic artist

Studied: …cole des Beaux-Arts, Paris; Accademia Ligustica and Universota degli Studi, Genoa, with Bevilacqua, Gagliardo; ASL, with Sternberg.

Exhibited: Venice Biennale, 1948, 1950, 1954; Italia-Francia, 1953; Florence, Italy, 1955; UNESCO, Rome, 1955; Nantes, 1954; Italian Printmakers, Rome, 1955; Sindicato Regionale Belle Arti, Genoa, 1948-1957; Turin, 1947 (solo); Genoa, 1948; Paris, 1953; Melbourne, 1956; Milan, 1958; Williamsburg, VA, 1953. Awards: Ministry of Pub. Educ., Italy, 1947, 1956; French Govt. grants, 1951-53; Spanish Govt. grant, 1952; Fulbright award, 1953

Work: MMA, and in Europe.

Comments: Positions: director, Art Gal., San Matteo," Genoa; counselor, Sindicato Belle Arti, Genoa; founder, Associazione Artisti, Genoa; head, dept. fine art, Univ. of the South, Sewanee, TN, as of 1959 ."

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