biografia di Ella A. MOSS (1844-?)

Birth place: New Orleans, LA

Addresses: New Orleans, 1867-68; NYC, 1877-?

Profession: Portrait painter

Studied: Düsseldorf, Germany, with Sohn

Exhibited: Grand State Fair, 1867 (best crayon drawing), 1868 (best portrait in oil, best pastel);Zimmermann's Store, N.O., 1867; PAFA Ann., 1877; NAD, 1878-79; Brooklyn AA, 1878

Comments: Went to Europe at an early age; said to have worked for a number of years in Belgium and Germany (Clement and Hutton). She was active in New Orleans in 1867-68, and by 1877 was living in NYC where she opened a studio. She painted the portraits of many prominent persons in Europe and America. Sister of Alice Moss (see entry). Her father, S.L. Moss, was an artist. Cf. Miss E.L. Moss

Sources: Encyclopaedia of New Orleans Artists, 275; Clement and Hutton; Brooklyn AA; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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