biografia di Peter Anthony CHINNI (1928-2019)

Birth place: Mount Kisco, NY

Addresses: New York, N.Y, 1966; Rome, Italy, in 1973

Profession: Sculptor, painter

Studied: ASL; Academia di Belle Arti, Rome, Italy; and with Roberto Melli, Rome; Felice Casorati, Turin; and Emilio Sorini, Italy.

Exhibited: Carnegie International, 1964, 1965; WMAA, 1960, 1962, 1963-1965; New Schl. for Social Research, N.Y., 1964, 1969; Milan, Italy, 1962; Denver A. Mus., 1959-1962; Silvermine Gld. A., 1959, 1961; Bundy A. Gal., 1963; Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italy, 1960; Lever House, N.Y., 1963, 1964; CGA, 1962; Audubon A., 1958-1962; Art: USA, 1958; solo: Janet Nessler Gal., N.Y., 1959, 1961; Royal Marks Gal., N.Y., 1964; Rome, Italy, 1955-1957; Biennale Roma, 1969; Gallery Mod Art, Rome, 1970. Awards: prizes, Stone Mem. Prize, Silvermine Gld. A., 1961; Artists of Northern Westchester, 1958-1960; purchase prize, Denver A. Mus., 1961.

Work: WMAA; Denver Art Mus, Colo; New Sch Social Res, NYC; St Louis Art Mus, Mo; The Readers Digest Collection, New York.

Comments: Preferred Media: Bronze, Stainless Steel.

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