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Quest'associazione di artisti ha collaborato nel XX secolo. Artprice ha catalogato un'opera di quest'associazione, messa all'asta nella categoria Lumi.
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Vedi gli abbonamenti4 opere di artisti membri di questa collaborazione sono in vendita sulla Marketplace
Entri nella community di venditori Artprice!
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3 Artprice Store vendono delle opere di artisti membri di questa collaborazione
+ Visita gli Artprice Store10 articoli Artmarket Insight citano Charlotte PERRIAND & Isamu NOGUCHI
On 13 February, AnticThermal in Nancy hosted a an emblematic sale of works created by Jean PROUVÉ (1901-1984) for a house designed and built at the beginning of the 1960s for his daughter and overlooking Saint-Dié-des-Vosges (about 60km from Nancy). The house itself has recently been put on sale for approximately €1.5 million. With its […]
Takis the magician (1925-2019) The art world lost two of its most illustrious representatives this summer: Carlos CRUZ-DIEZ (1923-2019) and then Vassilakis TAKIS (1925-2019) who died at the age of 93. A nail floating motionless in space; a cylinder and a ball that seem to dance to the sound of a dreamlike music… works that seem to […]
The art market news this autumn 2016 is dominated by sales of collections. These include works acquired by David Bowie, the presidential couple Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Daniel and Eliane Brollo and Prince Yusupov. There will also be a series of five sales to disperse the works of French film director and producer Claude Berri […]
2 artisti fanno parte di questa collaborazione.
Gli utenti che hanno cercato Charlotte PERRIAND & Isamu NOGUCHI, hanno consultato anche questi artisti.