biografia di Howard MCCORMICK (1875-1943)

Birth place: Hillsboro, IN

Death place: NYC

Addresses: Leonia, NJ/NYC

Profession: Painter, mural painter, illustrator, wood engraver

Studied: Indianapolis Sch. Art; NY Sch. Art, with W.M. Chase, Forsyth; Académie Julian, Paris with J.P. Laurens, 1895.

Exhibited: AIC, 1913; Salons of Am., 1934.

Member: ANA; SC, 1907; Stowaways.

Work: Hopi, Apache and Navajo habitat group, AMNH; John Herron AI; murals/habitat group, State Mus., Trenton, NJ; murals, Mus. Sc. & Indst. (NY), Library, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; wood engravings, various magazines

Comments: Specialty: Indian habitat groups for museums and murals.

Sources: WW40; P&H Samuels, 315.

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