biografia di Merritt MAUZEY (1895-1975)

Birth place: Clifton, TX

Death place: Dallas, TX

Addresses: Dallas, TX, 1927-on

Profession: Painter, illustrator, lithographer, writer

Studied: Frank Klepper in 1927 at Dallas Art Inst.

Exhibited: Texas Centennial, 1936; WFNY, 1939; WMAA; MMA; NAD, 1939-46; AIC, 1939; PAFA, 1939-46; PAFA Ann., 1944; Dallas Mus. FA (prize); Dallas All. Artists (prize); Texas FAA (prize); work in six overseas tours & represented in exchange exhibs. with Brit. & Japanese artists. Awards: Guggenheim Foundation fellowship creative lithography, 1946.

Member: Dallas Pr. Soc.; Texas FAA; Dallas AA; AAPL; CAFA; Texas Art Teachers Assn.; Soc. Am. Graphic Artists; Audubon Artists; Nat. Print Council; Lone Star Printmakers (charter mem.)

Work: Mus. New Mexico; AIC; CGA; LOC; PMA; PAFA; MMA; Witte Mem. Mus.; Elisabet Ney Mus.; Houston MFA; Fondren Lib., Dallas; Dallas Mus. FA; BM Mem. Coll.; John Van Wicht Pub. Libr., Boston; print, PMA; Warren Mack Coll.; Benton Spruce Mem., Penn. State Univ.

Comments: Grew up on a cotton farm. One of the first artists in the Dallas area to have a lithographic press. Contributor: The Artist in America; Prize Prints of the 20th Century. Retired in 1962. Publications: auth. & illus., Texas Ranch Boy, 1955, Oilfield Boy, 1957, Rice Boy, 1958, Rubber Boy, 1962 & Salt Boy, 1963; Abelard; plus other books & magazine covers.

Sources: WW73; WW47, which puts birth at 1898; P&H Samuels, 310; Stewart, Lone Star Regionalism, 177-79 (w/repros.); Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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