biografia di August BIEHLE (1885-1979)

Addresses: Cleveland, OH

Profession: Painter, lithographer

Studied: in Paris, 1903; Kunstgewerbeschule, Munich; Cleveland Sch. A with F.C. Gottwald, 1906-10; Munich Kunstakademie, 1910-12; with Henry Keller and Frank Wilcox, Berlin Heights (OH) summer sch., c.1919

Exhibited: Cleveland Mus. Art; Lorian Cnty Comm. College, Elyria, OH, 1990 (retrospective)

Member: Kokoons Art Cl., 1912; Cleveland SA

Work: Lenbach Haus, Munich

Comments: In 1903 he traveled with Wm. Zorach to study in Paris together, but he was most influenced by Der Blaue Reiter shows in Munich of 1911-12. In 1914, he began a career as a lithographer in Cleveland, and during the Depression he was a WPA muralist. During the 1950s he turned to abstract expressionism which he exhibited in NYC in 1956.

Sources: WW24; exh. cat., European Vision, American Eye Lorian Cnty Comm. College (1990); Sackerlotzky & Reed, August F. Biehle, Ohio Landscapes Case Western (1986)

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