biografia di Bernard GUSSOW (1881-1957)

Birth place: Russia

Death place: NYC

Addresses: Newark, NJ; NYC

Profession: Painter, lithographer, teacher

Studied: CCNY; ASL; NAD; …cole des Beaux-Arts, Paris; with Bonnét.

Exhibited: Armory Show, 1913; S. Indp. A., 1917-34; Luxembourg Mus., Paris, 1919; AIC, 1926, 1930-32; WMAA, 1927-36; Salons of Am., 1931; PAFA, 1932; Rockefeller Center, 1937; WFNY 1939; NGA, 1938; LOC, 1944-46; CI, 1944; New Jersey AA

Member: AEA; Am. Artists Congress; Art Lg. Am.

Work: WMAA; Newark Mus.; Barnes Fnd.; MoMA; LACMA; U.S. Marine Hospital, LA; mural, USPO, East Rochester, NY

Comments: Teaching: Newark (NJ) School Fine & Indust. Art, 1912-.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Brown, The Story of the Armory Show; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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