biografia di John W. GREGORY (1903-1992)

Birth place: Brooklyn, NY

Death place: Provincetown, MA

Addresses: Provincetown, MA

Profession: Lithographer, writer, lecturer, photographer

Studied: ASL, with John Sloan, Charles Locke, Alan Lewis, Harry Wickey; R. Moffett.

Exhibited: AIC, 1938; Faulkner Mem. Gal., Santa Barbara, CA; Warwick Gal., Phila.; Boston AC; Wheaton College; Morton Gal., NY; Univ. Illinois; G.W.V. Smith Mus.; Central Michigan State College Educ.; 47 pictorial photographs, Smithsonian Inst., 1948 (solo), and work shown in Int. Salons. Awards: selected as one of best American printmakers by Prints, 1936; 2 scholarships, ASL.

Member: Boston AC; Provincetown AA.

Work: BMFA; Springfield Mus. A.; CMA; Harvard Univ.; Wheaton Col.; Boston Pub. Lib.; Williams College; Smithsonian Inst. (photographs)

Comments: Brother of Dorothy L. Gregory (see entry). Contributor magazine articles on the art of drawing on stone. Positions: instructor, Hunter College, Butera School Art, Boston; photographer, Time magazine.

Sources: WW66; WW47.

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