biografia di Francis Davis MILLET (1846-1912)

Birth place: Mattapoisett, MA

Death place: aboard the Titanic

Addresses: NYC/Washington, DC

Profession: Painter, illustrator, muralist, decorator, journalist

Studied: Harvard, 1869; Royal Acad. Arts, Antwerp, with Van Lerius, De Keyser, 1871-73; Rome; Venice.

Exhibited: Royal Acad., Antwerp, 1871 (silver), 1872 (gold); Phila. Centennial, 1876; NAD, 1876-1900; Boston AC, 1878-1909; Paris Salon, 1879; Brooklyn AA, 1881, 1884, 1887; New Orleans Expo, 1886 (med.); PAFA Ann., 1888-1904 (7 times); Paris Expo, 1889 (silver); Columbian Expo, 1893, Chicago (bronze); AIC, 1888-90, 1904-05; Pan-Am., Buffalo, 1901 (gold); Corcoran Gal. annuals, 1907, 1908, 1910. Awards: Romanian Iron Cross; Order of Chevalier St. Anne and St. Stanislaus (Russian gov't.)

Member: ANA, 1881; NA, 1885; SAA, 1880; AWCS; Mural Painters; BAC; Artists Fund Soc.; Royal Inst. Painters in Oil, England; Century Assoc.; SI.

Work: MMA; Tate Gal., London; Union Lg. Club, NYC; murals, Custom House, Baltimore, Capitol (MN), Capitol (WI); Fed. Bldg., Cleveland; Essex County Court House, Jersey City; Hudson County Court House, Newark; church windows, Stockbridge and Cambridge, MA

Comments: Millet was a versatile painter, decorator, muralist, and illustrator. He designed murals with John LaFarge for Trinity Church, Boston, and in 1876 he founded the BMFA School with W.M. Hunt and La Farge. In 1877, he was a special correspondent for the Daily News during the Russo-Turkish War. In 1878, he was an illustrator for London Graphic. In 1884, he founded a "Bohemian" colony in England with his friends, J.S. Sargent and E.A. Abbey. In 1891, he traveled 1700 miles down the Danube with Poultney Bigelow for Harper's Magazine. In 1899, he was a war correspondent for New York Sun, London Times, and Harper's Weekly in the Philippines covering the Spanish-American War. In 1908, he went on special U.S. gov. mission to Tokyo. He was director of the American Academy at Rome, secretary of the American Federation of Arts, and a trustee of the MMA. In 1912, he went down with the "Titanic." Co-author: with P. Bigelow, From the Black Forest to the Black Sea (1893).

Sources: WW10; P&H Samuels, 325; Blasdale, Artists of New Bedford, 134-36; Fink, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons, 372; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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