biografia di Connie Lucas ALEXANDER (1939)

Birth place: Hillsboro, OH

Addresses: Cincinnati, OH, 1957-66; Frankfurt, KY, 1966-70; Atlanta, GA, 1970-85; Canton, GA, 1985 on

Profession: Sculptor

Studied: Cincinnati Art Acad., 1957-62 (Louis Ribisson Sculp. Scholarship), with Paul Chidlaw, Julian Stanczak, Arthur Helwig, F. Van Houten Raymond; stone sculpture with Charles Cutler, 1958-62; National Sculp. Conference, Univ. of Kansas, 1970; with gemologist Hal Cain and Ann Huffmaster, 1975-85

Exhibited: Miller's Gallery, Cincinnati, 1968 (two-person show); Southeastern Artists Ga. Jubilee Festival, Macon, 1974 (1st in sculp.); Southeastern Arts and Crafts Festival, Macon (Ga.) Coliseum, 1977 (1st in sculp.); Georgia Artists," tour of West Germany, 1978 (during Pres. Carter's term in office); numerous exhibitions and awards in 1980s and 1990s"

Member: Woman's Art Cl., Cincinnati; Nat. Mus. of Women in the Arts, Wash., DC

Work: Cincinnati Pub. Lib. (main branch gardens); Coca-Cola Collection, Atlanta; Georgia Tech., Pres. office, Atlanta; Hartsfield Intl. Airport Art Collection; North Dekalb College Art Collection

Comments: Specialist in stone sculpture.

Sources: info. courtesy artist Connie Alexander.

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