biografia di Robert C. HINCKLEY (1853-1941)

Birth place: Northampton, MA

Death place: Rehoboth Beach, DE

Addresses: Wash., DC; Boston; Paris, France; Rehoboth Beach, c. 1910

Profession: Portrait painter, teacher

Studied: Paris, with Carolus-Duran, Bonn‚t, …cole des Beaux-Arts.

Exhibited: Soc. Wash .A.; NAD, 1877-96 (4 annuals); PAFA, 1879, 1883; Paris Salon, 1880-84, 1894

Member: Soc. Wash. A.; Cosmos Club; Wash. AC, 1876-77

Work: West Point; Annapolis; U.S. Capitol; NY Hist. Soc.; Hist. Soc. of Wash., DC; U.S. Supreme Court; U.S. Treasury Dep.; Nat. Trust for Hist. Preserv.; Mus. of the City of NY; Harvard Univ.

Comments: Position: teacher, Corcoran Art Sch.

Sources: WW08; McMahan, Artists of Washington, DC; Fink, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons, 356; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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