biografia di Josie ERESCH (1894-?)

Birth place: Beloit, KS

Addresses: Beloit, KS

Profession: Lithographer, etcher, painter, writer, illustrator, lecturer, craftsperson

Studied: NY Sch. Fine & Applied Art; Fed. Sch. Art; St. Mary-of-the-Woods College; Birger Sandzen; A. E. Cross; Caroline Armington, Paris; Tokyo, with Suigaku Kubota, Chotaro Miyata; Yu Teng-An, Peiping.

Exhibited: Lg. Am. Pen Women, 1937 (prize), 1938 (prize); Kansas City AI; Wichita AA.

Member: Kansas Authors Club; Lg. Am. Pen Women; Prairie Printmakers; Ex Libris Soc., Holland; Ex Libris Soc., Berlin; Woodcut Soc.; Am. Soc. Bookplate Des.; Austrian Ex Libris Soc.

Work: Chanute (KS) Public Library; Beloit (WI) Public Library

Comments: Lectures: etching; prints and printmaking; process of making Japanese woodcuts, free brush and finger painting, stencilling. Contributor: Kansas Magazine. Author/illustrator: Elegant Amusement (Flower Arrangement), 1937; Come Up and See My Etchings, 1938.

Sources: WW59; WW47.

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