biografia di Margaret Graham Boroughs ADAMS (1882-1965)

Birth place: Austin, TX

Addresses: Austin, TX; Elizabethtown, NY

Profession: Painter, lithographer, craftsperson, illustrator

Studied: Univ. Texas; Newcomb Col., Tulane Univ.; Columbia Univ.; N.Y. Sch. F. & App. A.; with Ellsworth Woodward, W.M. Chase.

Exhibited: Univ. Tex., 1936 (solo); Grand Central Gal., 1936 (solo); SSAL, 1938; NAWA, 1938; Corcoran Gal., 1938, 1939 (solo); Harlow-Keppel Gal., 1943 (solo); AWCS, 1944; All. A. Am., 1945; PAFA, 1945; Texas FA Assn.; Dallas Woman's Cl., 1950; Texas Fed. of Woman's Cl., 1950, 1958.

Member: SSAL; Southern Pr. M.; Pen & Brush Cl.; NAWA; AWCS; Texas FA Assn.(life mem. and bd. dir.); Austin A. League (fnd. mem. and past pres.); Heritage Soc., Austin, TX ( founder and hon. pres.)

Comments: Illus., Stars and their Stories."

Sources: WW59; WW47."

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