biografia di DeWain VALENTINE (1936-2022)

Birth place: Fort Collins, CO

Addresses: Venice, CA

Profession: Sculptor

Studied: Univ. Colorado, (B.F.A., 1958; M.F.A., 1960); Yale-Norfolk Art School, Yale Univ. fellowship, 1958

Exhibited: WMAA Ann., 1966, 1968 & 1970; Sculpture of the Sixties, LACMA, 1966; Plastic Presence, Jewish Mus., New York, Milwaukee AC & SFMA, 1969; 14 Sculptors: The Industrial Edge, Walker AC, 1969; AIC Am. Ann., 1970

Work: WMAA; LACMA; Pasadena AM; Milwaukee AC; Stanford Univ. AM

Comments: Preferred media: polyester resin. Teaching: Univ. Colorado, 1958-61; Univ. Calif., Los Angeles, 1965-67.

Sources: WW73; Kurt Von Mier, An Interview with DeWain Valentine," (May, 1968) & Plagens, "Five Artists ó Ace Gallery" (Oct., 1971), Artforum; EA Danielli, "DeWain Valentine," Art Int. (Nov.,1969)."

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