biografia di Sarai SHERMAN (1922-2013)

Birth place: Philadelphia, PA

Addresses: Phila., PA; NYC

Profession: Painter, designer

Studied: Temple Univ. Tyler School Art (B.F.A., B.S., educ.); Barnes Foundation; Univ. Iowa (M.F.A)

Exhibited: PAFA Ann., 1947-48, 1952-53, 1962-64; WMAA , 1949-64; Recent Painting USA: The Figure, MoMA, int. tour, 1962-63; Premio Marzotto, Milan, Paris, Hamburg, London & Belgrade, 1967-68; Childe Hassam Acquisition Fund, 1970; Venice Biennial, Int. Graphics: USA, Italy, 1972; Forum Gallery, NYC, 1970s. Awards: Fulbright scholarship, 1952-54; award for painting, NIAL, 1964; European Community Prize, Premio Marzotto, 1967.

Work: WMAA; MoMA; Hirshhorn Collection, SI, Washington, DC; Uffizi Gallery Print Collection, Florence, Italy; Tel Aviv Mus, Israel.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, graphics.

Sources: WW73; Bryant & Venturoli, Painting of Sarai Sherman," monograph (Galleria Penelope, Rome, 1963); Pastorino, "Pittura Come Vita," Documenta Film, Rome, 1968; Bernari, Folk Rock, Blues, Flower Children (Ed Grafica Romero, 1969); Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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