biografia di Joe Hing LOWE (1934)

Birth place: Canton, China

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter, instructor

Studied: Lajos Markos & Dan Greene.

Exhibited: Springfield Mus., 1968; AWCS, NAD Gals., 1969; Hudson Valley AA, 1972; AAPL, 1972; Salmagundi Club, 1972; C.C. Price Gal., NYC, 1970s. Awards: Dumont Mem. Fund Award for pastel portrait, Salmagundi Club, 1969; Sterling Silver Award for The Rice Bowl, Nat. Art Club, 1969; Mary Spreading Mem. Award for Oriental Myth, 1970.

Member: Salmagundi Club; AAPL; Hudson Valley AA; Artists Fellow; Knickerbocker Artists

Work: U.S. Navy Combat Artist Gal., Wash., DC; U.S. Navy Air Station, Lakehurst, NJ; Switlik Parachute Co., NJ. Commissions: portraits, comn. by Rep. John M. Murphy, 1965, Adm. C.E. Rosendahl, 1967, Adm. Arleigh Burke, 1970 & Adm. Arnold Frederic Schade, 1971.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, pastels, watercolors, charcoal. Teaching: Metrop. Portrait Studio, 1964-; Big Six Art League, 1970-. Contrib.: How to Do Portraits in Pastel, 1972; Palette Talk, 1972.

Sources: WW73; Rep. John M. Murphy, Journal Am., Brooklyn Sect. (April 12, 1965); Jack Besterman, article, Big Six Chapel & Pensioners News (Feb., 1972).

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