biografia di Melanie Grauer KAHANE (1910-?)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Designer

Studied: Parsons Sch. Design (grad., 1931); Paris, France, 1932.

Exhibited: Awards: Decorator of the Year Award, 1953; Career Key Award, Girls' Clubs Am, 1961; one of 100 Am. Women of Accomplishment, Harper's Bazaar, 1967; plus others.

Member: Fel. Am. Inst. Interior Designers (past nat. secy., bd. dirs., past pres., NY Chap., nat. treas., 1971-); Munic. A. Soc.; Decorator's Club New York; Inter-Soc. Color Coun.; Inst. Practising Designers, Engl.

Work: Commissions: designer, Reid Hall, Paris, France, 1948, Children's Mus., Fort Worth, Tex., 1955, Gov. Shriver, Mansion, Austin, Tex, 1957, Playbill Restaurant, NYC, 1958 & Ziegfield Theatre, NYC, 1963.

Comments: Positions: illusr., Tobias Green Advert. Co., 1931-32; designer, Lord & Taylor, 1933-34; founder & pres., Melanie Kahane, Inc., 1935-52; founder & pres., Melanie Kahane Assocs., Interior & Indust. Des., 1952-; des., Charles of Ritz Beauty Salons throughout US, 1957-; dir. styling & design, Sprague & Carleton Furniture Co, 1962-. Teaching: lectr., Parsons Sch. Design, 1950-. Publications: producer, "Decorating, a Way of Life" (doc film), 1949; auth, There's a Decorator in Your Doll House, 1968; also contribr. to bks. & encycls.

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