biografia di Vaughn L JACKSON (1920)

Birth place: Raymond, OH

Addresses: Fairfax Station, VA

Profession: Painter, illustrator

Studied: Am. Univ. (A.A., B.A., 1969); Corcoran Sch. Art, with Richard Lahey, 1947-50; Ohio State Univ., 1942-43; Columbus Art Sch., 1939-40; with Hans Hofmann, Provincetown, summer 1955; also with Eliot O'Hara.

Exhibited: Am. Artists Prof. League, 1950-52 & 1957; Wash. WC Cl. Ann. Nat. Exhibs., 1954-58; Landscape Club Wash., DC, Ann., 1955 (silver med.); Am. Art League, 1958; Soc. Tech. Writers & Publ. Ann., 1971 (award for outstanding achievement in tech commun.); Wash., DC, 1956 (solo), 1958 (solo)

Member: Soc. Tech. Commun.; Am. Inst. Graphic Arts; Art Dirs. Club Metrop. Washington (charter mem., bd. dirs.); Wash. WC Assn. (bd. mgrs., v. pres.)

Work: Commissions: over 900 design & illus in advert., tech. & mil. publ., displays, visual presentations for art studios, advert. agencies, govt. & com. accts., including Gen. Elec. Supply Corp., Hotpoint, Allegheny Airlines, Hot Shoppes, Wilkins Coffee & Am. Hosp. Assn.

Comments: Preferred media: watercolors, acrylics, inks. Positions: advert. artist, Kal, Ehrlich & Merrick Advert. Agency, 1947-52; artist-illusr., Opers. Res. Off., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1952-55, ass.t art dir., 1955-63, publ. art dir., Res. Anal. Corp., 1963-67, visual & graphics mgr., 1967-72; visual & graphics mgr., Gen. Res. Corp., 1972-. Publications: work in ed. & publ., Printers Ink, Aviation Age, Electronics Mag, Agr Chemicals, point of sale & direct mail campaigns, Washington Post, Evening Star & other newspapers.

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