biografia di Boyd Everett HANNA (1907-1987)

Birth place: Irwin, PA

Death place: Tucson, AZ

Addresses: Tucson, AZ

Profession: Illustrator, painter

Studied: Univ. Pittsburgh, 1925-28; Carnegie-Mellon Univ., 1928-30.

Exhibited: Artists For Victory, MMA, 1942; BM Ann., 1947; NAD 123rd Ann., New York, 1949; SAGA Ann., New York, 1948-56; Colorprint USA, Lubbock, TX, 1972; Calif. Soc. Etchers, 1946 (purchase prize); Print Club Albany, 1972 (purchase prize); Nat. Assoc. Indus. Artists, 1967 (first award); Gallerie Sorokin, Tucson, AZ, 1970s.

Work: MMA; NYPL; LOC, Pennell Collection, Wash., DC; CI, Pittsburgh; Boston Pub. Lib.

Comments: Preferred media: wood, watercolors, oils. Positions: graphic des., Swindell-Dressler Co., Pittsburgh, 1950-70. Illustrator: Longfellow's Poems," Limited Edition Club, 1944; "The Compleat Angler," 1947; "Story of the Nativity," 1949; "Leaves of Grass," 1951; "Sayings of Buddha," 1957, Peter Pauper Press."

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